
The Sociogenesis Diagram

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3. Influence of a technology on the method of the stimulation

3.1.1 In a Production Process (PP) based on muscular technology (PPM), manager, as a rule, can easy observe and supervise labour actions of a worker and estimate his zeal.
Therefore in such PP according to (2.3.6) and (2.4.5), as a rule, the infliction stimulation during time of PP is applied.


Production Processes based on technologies of use of cattle, (PPC) are more productive several times than PPM.
A zone of labor of a worker in PPC is many times more than a zone of labor of a worker in PPM. Therefore, the control of labor actions of multitude of workers and their zeal in PPC is rather problematic and demands excessively great quantity of slave drivers.
Therefore according to (2.5) in PPC, a manager is compelled to apply mainly the indirect control of zeal and stimulation of workers by results of PP.
A lot of OF including properties and behaviour of cattle, weather etc. influence PPC.
The control of all OF demands excessively great expenses. Therefore according to (2.7.5), a manager applies mainly the incentive stimulation in PPC.
During the epoch of technologies of use of cattle, the most widespread method of the stimulation is the following.
A manager gives a worker a plot of ground (and water for irrigation) and allows to grow up a crop and to keep cattle.
If a worker has performed certain jobs in the farm of the manager (corvee) and has given certain quantity of products or money (quitrent) to the manager, the manager allows the worker to appropriate other part of a crop and cattle products.
To deprive a worker possibility to use other source of satisfaction of needs, a manager and the state prohibits a worker to change his domicile under threat of punishment, i.e. enslave him.


In PP based on technologies of transformation of energy, ( PPE ), labor actions are possible only if workers have corresponding professional qualifications.
Presence or absence of such qualification is OF.
(Qualification acquisition is determined by worker's desire which is the subjective factor.)
Qualification of a worker depends on the content of his memory.
A manager, in principle, cannot supervise the content of memory of a worker.
At the same time, a worker can easily simulate absence of qualification.
Therefore according to (2.8.4), a manager is compelled to guarantee impossibility of infliction stimulations of the worker and compulsion of him to work contrary to his will.
During the epoch of domination of technologies of transformation of energy, commodity-money relations are developed. Therefore, in vast majority of cases, managers stimulate workers by payments.
The punishment is carried out, as a rule, by means of reduction of promised payment.
In PPE, workers labor, in most cases, on the workplaces and carry out certain technological operations. This allows managers to supervise effectively workers' actions and zeal.
The plainer and more defined labour operations, the more effective monitoring them and according to (2.3.6), the more effective the stimulation during time of PP.
In some cases, the direct control of worker's actions can be problematic. For examples, in complex operations consisting of great number of different actions, in multiple operations, at repair, adjustment, etc., at a remote place of work, at expensive technological procedure of control etc.
In these cases according to (2.5), it is preferable to supervise worker's zeal by results of PP.
In PPM, a worker, in most cases, executes external commands.
In PPC a worker operates according to his own model of production process.
In PPE the model of production process in memory of a worker is formed as a result of special training.


The Sociogenesis Diagram

4. Influence of technologies on the human rights and
on degree of satisfaction of their needs

4.1 A right of a member of a society is the state guarantee of satisfaction of corresponding requirement of members of a society.


In economies in which muscular technologies dominate, according to (3.1.2), the infliction stimulation of workers during time of PP is applied basically. Managers punish them by beating, tortures, and killing.
Freedom of workers is physically limited.
Needs of workers are satisfied minimum, no more than it is necessary to maintain their working capacity.
Thus, the domination of muscular technology in economy determines presence of slavery in a society.


In PPC because of large zone of labor of a worker, physical limitation of his freedom, for example, by a chain or a fence is rather problematic.
In PPC, labor actions, as a rule, are less trying and painful than in PPM . Therefore in PPC, so intensive stimulation by fear of death is not required.
The fear of expectation of possible death reduces aspiration of a worker to obtain the end-product and increases his desire to escape from a workplace and to revenge on the manager.
To increase productivity of workers and to reduce probability of their runaways from the workplaces and aggressive actions against the managers, the state provides them the right to the life.
This right is realised by means of the law which forbids to kill people, including slaves without the lawful bases. Therefore, a manager which killed slave, is subject to punishment.
Thus, domination of technologies of use of cattle determines the right to the life of all members of a society.
As a result of encouragement, degree of satisfaction of needs of a worker in PPC is, in most cases, slightly more than a physiological minimum.


According to (3.3.3) in PPE, a manager has to guarantee a worker non-use of the infliction stimulations.
This guarantee is realised by means of laws on the rights of citizens to immunity of a person and property.
Thus, domination of technologies of transformation of energy determines the rights of citizens to immunity of a person and property.
One of main factors defining size of salary of a worker of some qualification is his supposition of future earnings, wich impeled the worker earlier to acquisition of the qualification.
Therefore, the more complex qualification, the more it is necessary expenses and efforts in the process of its acquisition, and the more high incomes and degree of satisfaction of requirements of a worker of the qualification should be.


The Sociogenesis Diagram